Hi Everyone!How is everyonr doing?im doing ok.im just bored and i wanna make new friends out here.im 27 years old.i am also single and i am wanting to try and find a descent nice girlfriend.i also run my own chat irc server and its free! for everybody to use and chat on.all you need is whats called a mIRC and then download it.go into the mirc options and click add and for the description and server box below put in them both.click the ok in it and then scroll down to nickname and put whatever you want.after that scroll back to top and the click the big connect to server thingy and ill wait to see your connections and put ya into #lobby wich is the main chatroom.if you need any help please give me an email at dan26@crosspaths.net and ill be glad to help ya out.or if you have msn messenger u may add me at tr535@hotmail.com. hope to hear from some of you people!:) thanks for your time and have a good one!
Email: dan26@crosspaths.net