Posted by Terry on October 25, 2000 at 17:54
In Reply to: teachers peeing in class posted by joe on October 25, 2000 at 06:43
I once had a teacher in a graduate French course at the University of Illinois who pissed his pants ridng his bicycle to class one day. I'm sure he was "one of us." I didn't have the nerve to come out to him as a wetter at the time, but I recognized what he had done and I'm sure some of the other people in class realized it, too. There had been a light rain, and of course we all got a little damp on our way to class. But he had obviously taken advantage of the rain to cut loose on his bike. Maybe he was expecting it to rain harder and camouflage his deed. But it didn't rain nearly hard enough to soak even the fronts of his legs, and yet his crotch was soaked and so were his butt and the backs of his legs. He was wearing brown Levis cords. The wetness extended from halfway up his fly in front down to his knees in long ellipses along his thighs, clearly defined in contrast to the still dry areas, and the backs of his legs were wet down to the knees. He sat on the desk during class, and at the end when he stood up to leave there was a huge wet imprint of his backside on the desk with the lines of the cords in it. I saw two or three other people in class smirk and exchange knowing glances. My mouth was dry, but my jeans didn't stay dry long once I got back to my apartment. One wetting always inspires another.