Posted by Sgt. Slaxoph on October 25, 2000 at 16:58
The Commander in Chief is comin' down on me, soldiers! I am led to assume that many of you enjoyed my files. Just read the following email I recieved today:
Attention Xdrive user,
It has recently come to our attention that use of your Xdrive account
has resulted in an excessive and abusive utilization of bandwidth
according to Xdrive's Terms and Conditions. This means that you have
unfairly used Xdrive resources, possibly by:
- Sharing your login/password publicly or with a group.
- Using Xdrive's "Share a File with a Friend" feature as a
method of mass distribution.
- Causing excessive traffic to and from your Xdrive.
You can keep your account active by:
- Changing your password and keeping it private.
- Removing, renaming, or moving files that you published via
Xdrive's "Share a File with a Friend" feature.
- Ceasing large uploads and downloads for the next few days.
Please understand that we cannot support the burden your account creates
on our system indefinitely. If you have committed any of the actions
listed above or anything else that may be deemed abusive according to
Xdrive's Terms and Conditions, we request that you stop the action or
remedy the situation immediately. Failure to comply with this request
will result in termination of your account access. Should we terminate
access to your account, all of your files will be deleted.
I have taken proper precautions in the case of deletions, soldiers so fear not. Your great leader will struggle on!