Posted by Sgt. Slaxoph on October 24, 2000 at 17:01
Attention, private! Here's your links to the wetpants videos in the ppw series. 16,17,20,21,22. I don't know what happened to 18 and 19. I would have posted them sooner, but I had my slacks off and was slacking off.
These SOBs are big. Bigger than a wet spot on Suzi's ass. Bigger than Jalynn's bladder! Hell, these bastards will use up a PISS-load of memory! They run 20-40MB each, so I hope you have DSL, cable or a T1 line or you might just as well nap in your foxhole while these fill up your hard drive.
Put yer helmet on! Desperation is hell, soldier! And as a parting shot, I should point out that these little gems look a hell of a lot better when you see the video from which they were taken. Some are from Xstreams and some are from Patches. Check out that Melissa chick in the patches films (the brunette in the green shorts in ppw017. She ain't no looker and white-trash, but can she ever piss!
Here's the links, ya maggots, use 'em in 7 days or they will expire: