Posted by Parab on October 16, 2000 at 21:24
I never said anything against Americans other than the aid the U S government is sending to Isreal..It is true if Palestinians had anything to serve the U S, the U S government would jump to the chance to protect Palestinians.
All Palestinians want is Justice.Justice wasnt being Served at the bargaining table of peace.I dont like the fact that Palestinians and Israelis are being killed,but its the injustice that lead to this.Dont expect Palestinians to be treated unjustly and sit back and take it.
You want to talk about racism.The US government is filled with racist presidents,sentors and congressmen.When the violence started in Palestine a couple weeks ago,and all the Palestinians were bring killed,no one cared.All they talked about was the violence in the Middle East. Once the Isreali soldiers were killed.The whole world was outraged.Where is the fairness in that.
Israel wants peace on its terms only. They dont want to compromise. They want to give conditions and the Palestinian leader has to accept them.
I dont care what goes on between American and the rest of the Arab Nations, because the leaders of the Arab Nations dont care what happens to Palestinians. Palestinians have their courage. They have all this anger built up inside from years and years and years of injustice against them.
Tell me when did the world every know of a Palestine?..When did the world know of Palestinians?..Before the intifada ever began Palestinians didn't exist to the world.Why?..Because Israelis would always torture,beat,kill any Palestinian that would try to speak out. Palestinians back them just gave in to what was happening to them because they thought there was no hope for them. Yet the injustice went on. I lived in Palestine for 7 years. I went to school in Ramallah every day. Every where you went you found Israeli soldiers. Everywhere the Israelis saw a group of friends at a restaurant or just walking around in Ramallah.The soldiers would attack them for no reason what so ever. I was 9 or 10 at the time. The soldiers always used their sticks to beat the young men. Even if the men would ask the Israelis why are you stopping us and attacking us they would be beaten. Everyone has the right to know why they are being attacked by the government.
The US is based on Justice for all man kind. The US is not practicing this. The US is playing the rules of politics. The US will only help a Nation if it is going to get something in return. As in OIL from Kuwait. What happened to human rights. What happened to everyone is created equal.
As history states Americans treated blacks in ways not acceptable to animals let alone humans. Blacks were accused of things they didn't do just because they were a different color.Yet no matter how badly they were treated they had no choice but to take it for the time being.Eventually things changed for them.President Lincoln came along and stopped slavery.The Palestinians have a leader thats trying to make peace.But out leader is not going to give to terms that he doesnt see fit for the Palestinians.Isrealis want a puppet.They want someone that will say yes to anything they say.Furthermore,the Palestinians are not going to stay quiet if they see Justice isn't going to be served even during the peace process.
Why dont you sit and think about it. Would you like to be treated that way in your country. Would you like your family be treated so unjustly.Think about all the countries that have been discriminated against.Think about how you feel when someone Discriminates against you because your an American.Try to put yourself in our shoes.We are not asking for sympathy.We are asking for justice to be served.If it takes us rioting.Throwing Stones.If it takes us answering to the Killing of Palestinians by killing an Israeli.That will be done till Justice is served.
I dont support the Violence that takes place in America,France,Britian,South Africa.Neither do alot of Palestinians.This is not fair.This is not right.These people dont deserve to be caught in the middle.
What i say in my posts is only meant for the people that are killing Palestinians.It is meant for the people that think its ok to kill Palestinians.For the people that want to ignore the facts.For the blind people that dont care about the injustice.
When a Nation sees that their leaders are not solving anything,they respond.Israelis choose to blame Palestinians for everything.They choose to deny what they are doing to contribute to this conflict.They think that they are soo powerful.They think that they shouldn't answer to the call of Justice.
Racism is all over the world.I am not the only one that sees it.If my hatred for Israelis is considered racism than so be it.There are alot of reasons and actions that contribute to the Hatred of Israelis by Palestinians and most of the arab population.Every action has its reaction.Israelis dished out the action.Palestinians dished out the reaction.This wont stop till justice is served.
thank you for your post..if you want to continue to exchange views with me.I will be glad to cooperate.