Posted by JJ on October 10, 2000 at 03:57
I don't have much time, so I'll be brief.
A colleage of mine (f) wants to stop smoking.
I saw an episode of Cheers once where a woman who wanted to stop smoking agreed to do the worst thing she can think of. She would sleep with the bar-tender.
I told her this, and asked what the worst thing was she could think of, non sexual.
She didn't know, and asked me and a couple of colleags to think of something. (We work in an office with 3 man and 4 woman.)
No-one could think of anything. Than she said she needed to go.... One of my female colleags jokingly said she shoul pee her clothes if she smoked again......... SHE AGREED!
Oh man, I hope she is adikted!
Keep you all posted!