Beach Sighting....What to say?

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Posted by Wet Speedo on October 07, 2000 at 21:39

Yesterday Oct 7th, I went to Bondi Beach (Sydney) to enjoy a real blast of summer temperatures (35 C degrees). The water is still only 18 C, so Viking courage is required to plunge in and stay wet. I remained on the beach, comfortably retired on my towel and reading a book surrounded by all the others enjoying the weekend. At one point, my bladder woke up and announced its mission. Instead of going into the cold sea, I simply scooted off my towel and peed into my Speedo while sitting in the sand (and "reading" my book). Anyway....later on leaving the beach, I spied on the grassy knoll overlooking the beach, a guy standing up solo gazing out over sand and sea dressed in very peed-in khaki shorts. It was obvious from the damp stain, that he had NOT pulled on his shorts over a wet bathing suit. The wet stain from the crotch to pants cuff was oh so typical of a standing pee....I know because I have enjoyed wetting my pants in this manner too. He was certainly one of us....and getting pleasure displaying pee stained clothes in public (but masquerading the obvious nature of it all by mingling with others owning real sea dampened bottoms.
Should I have approached the guy and said hello? I am 100% straight, so would not want to be mis-interpreted! If I had done something like this, I personally would have loved women to approach and chat, but would have felt very uncomfortable if a male did so.


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