Posted by Professional on September 21, 2000 at 19:54
Life sometimes isn't perfect. For me I prefer not having the feeling of a full bladder or bowl. I like comfort and therefor usually don't mind excusing myself. My friend Maressa seems to the the other way. A girl who turns the head of any man she passes. Life has given her the disguise of perfection - nearly T.V. perfect. Healthy beautiful and witty enough. She seems to have the expectation that it should always be so - with no hitches. So when the situation arose she wasn't ready for admitting that it can be different for the expected.
For instance when I saw her befor class, where I had met her. I had the displeasure of pointing out a stain of wet paint she had on her jacket sleeve. She had picked it up - not being careful or paying heed to the sign down the hall saying "WET PAINT". This spot brought her to slight tears. Since she was of mmoney I don't belief the tears were from material loss, but out of dissapointment that the world had betrayed her.
None-the-less her beuty and aptitude for perfection led me to ask her out and spend time with her whenever possible. I did notice that she seemed to have quite a control over her continance. Never excusing herself except for the occassion when I retracted and then only when appropriate - before a movie - after a meal - never during, and she never gave signs of desperation or discomfort.
After awile her grace at retaining her capacity retained my interest as much as her other badges, but even attempts of controlling mine longer combined with jokes and laughable occasions as well as my lack of consumption of spirits- Nothing shaked her. She seemed to casualy outlast my most solid attempts at being defiantwithout personal embarrassment.
Well, putting aside my more devious hopes I decided that Friday we shouldhave our first experience at total closeness. So I planned the night with a candlelight dinner at my place. In the summer heat and privacy of y back yard.
The expected knock at the door came at the setting as planned. And she stood, as I opened the door, with the sunset behind her, silloutting her perfection and apparent peace with the world. Her white wollen and tightl sweater showing off her angelic form and her jeans showing her curves of a goddess and yetreminding me that she could possibley be in reach if only the courage could be kept.
"Come in, come in, have a seat- have a drink- dinners almost ready. How was your day?" I ran through the motions with as much calmness as I could gather.
"It was pacing compared to usual - not a moment to myself yet - quite vexing really. My mother stopped by and as usual tryed to scold me for every decision I make. Oh the shame she has caused me with her words and how I must fight them - but htats water under the bridge tonight. My life could really be perfect without her and her social rules. I don't want to go down that road tonight though - better just to enjoy the current company."
We dinned I attempted to sway her with willful attempts at leating her to my future plans of caresses and pleasure. Her eyes wer deep and blue yet soft and flickered with visions of warmth which seemed tender yet purposeful.
AS the candles started to ware I helped her up and kissing her with great restraint I tried to glide her to my room of approval. I offered all the complliments I could serve - inviting her strongly to join me in temptation and kindly begged her not to be indefferent.
"This is my first - I'm not sure I can" She slowly confessed as I unzipped her from her secrets.
"I need to bask in your perfection I beg you to leave your independence and let me entreat you to happineess and gratifying motions."
"I'm not sure I can."
"You can, you can." I warmly suggested, persuading her with passionate gestures from my fingures. Her rectitude tightned slightly, and she professed quietly that " I can't."
This was when she couldn't keep her expectations - crossed between desire and reality - she let her perfection fall while I amicably messaged. She being caught without her senses or maybe because of, finished her appointment with destiny.
"Hold on" The echoing whisper shot through my senses , as her arms engaged me - wrapping around my waist. I recollected the events leading as the nuisance of imprudence covered my wrist and knees."
"Beyond all comparison" I responded " You will be satisfied."
She mumbled " It could not be helped, I can not..."
"Don't hold on - let go. throw your restraint to the wind - let ther river run - I will handle what comes - I will lead you to the City of Gold."
And I must say she did let go. All her perfection put aside. Everything that was pent up - relaxed onto the flood in a long gush of whats impracticable and embarassing. And I still played - enjoying her other side - the passion and tears.
I kissed and she moaned and the waters ran for awhile. Then laying her down in the moiture which had splattered to the sheets. I invaded her at last and she recieved me having purged herself of all her other secrets. She arched and convulsed. Soon I was finished.
I whispered to her that she was a goddess and that was the best that could possibly bee. She cried saying she was ashamed - she had let me down " I mad a mess of your room and bed how can you ever look at me."
Your are so beautifully sweet I relplied. You can make a mess anytime you want and in fact I insist on it. Put those words of your mothers out of your head. I like it when you pee - your are not bad - you are my goddess angel and I insist we do this again and you do that.
And so we talked for awhile about her mothers mean lessons in control and perfection and how I think it should be.
Then we did the wash together.