Re: pee smell

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Posted by WeeKiwi on September 20, 2000 at 23:22

In Reply to: pee smell posted by peenose on September 20, 2000 at 17:15

The smell of it does it for me too.

I only like it when it's fresh, and the pheromones are still present.
The smell changes over time. It's the chemistry, and this effect is exploited in the animal world. Dogs, for example, can tell the sex, and how long ago the sample was deposited, among a lot of other social information.

A bit off topic, but related:
There is a perfume by Lentheric, called Tweed. This perfume for some reason gives me the horn, especially when worn by an attractive lady. I once gave some to a lady I liked, and it worked on me every time, although I never could tell her the real reason I had given it to her. I admit to buying it for myself, as I really like it, but like anything else, it doesn't work on me. I wonder if there are any 'pheromones' in it intentionally. I want to know if anyone else has noticed the 'Tweed' effect.
Also, on the subject of smells, I once borrowed a talking book from the library. It was called 'Perfume'. It is a novel by Patrick Susskind, of Germany I think. I thoroughly recommend it if you are interested in smells, and their effects on us and others. Try for the tapes, as it is very well read by a good reader. I have seen it on the net, so it's available.

Sorry 'bout the blurb!


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