Posted by pantiegirl on September 20, 2000 at 08:12
well it has been a while but heres the latest juice from my life.
well as some of you know i was having a raging affair with my neighbor and his wife which was very kinky and involved all sorts of things.
my parents suspected that something was happening and so they set me up and caught me in the act with him and her.
If anybody remembers i was off on a holiday to try to settle my friendship with the neighbors down and i think my parents wanted me to lose interest....that was 2 months ago and i have been home for about 3 weeks when it all came to a head.
i was with them and we got very kinky... the bed was wet and my clothes were soaked and her clothes were as well ...he was the one soaking us.
my dad snuck into the house and caught us like that and then mum came in and started to scream at me and at everybody...even dad.
well i got kicked from home...needless to say things were very uncomfortable parents and my sis moved away interstate... dad was pissed because he had to miss a trip to E. Timor because of the move...when they had gone i moved in with Ken and Kayleen and besides money being tighthere i am.
all the people who emailed me before, thanks for your support and pls do so again i dont have any restrictions on my comp use or my life so pls contact me again.
in all the mix up ... i think dad did it ..but my yahoo address folder was deleted and garbled so i dont have any of your addresses.
ok thats all from me for now
pls write again and well chat.