Posted by Jim on September 18, 2000 at 19:08
In Reply to: Bedwetting Survey posted by Survey Guy on September 15, 2000 at 16:38
1) Name (first only): Jim
2) Age: 38
3) Sex: M
4) Do yo wet the bed on accident or on purpose or a little of both: Accident
5) Age you stopped having bedwetting accidents:
About 16, but since then off and on
6) Were you ever embarrased about your bedwetting, if so give an interesting account:
All the time. Wet my bed on several occasions in my frat house. Finally ended up with a rubber sheet and wearing diapers on party nights (when i was drinking)
7) Would you like to meet a bedwetter of the opposite sex: Yes.
8) Do you enjoy wetting the be, if so why:
Not really, but if I was sleeping with another BW, would not be so embarrassed.