Fake wetting picture contest

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Posted by Maculatus on May 10, 2002 at 15:13

Hi you all, as you all know, I have a website of my own (http://peedesperation.tk).
I also have a fake gallerie, I'm holding a contest.
the contest is:
Make a fake wetting picture of your own, send it to me, I will make a contest gallery and visitors can vote for your picture.
there is no real prize to win but to encourage you:
The prize is: your picture as a background picture at my start site with your nickname/name or/and email address.
So send those pictures in to maculatus@hotmail.com with in the subject: fake contest

Good luck!!

Email: macu_latus@hotmail.com
Home Page : http://www.wetset.net/cgi-bin/axisboard.cgi?op=message&message=1166

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