Posted by Amy on June 11, 2002 at 12:24
In Reply to: Re: Using a Catheter posted by Waterprik on June 06, 2002 at 06:25
I have also done the catheter thing with my G/F (and, years ago, with my brother). It is not as easy as it seems and I have only done it a few times. Silkyone seems to have better experience and knowledge than me. But I will tell you about what my G/F and I did.
It began innocently enough. We were both high from drinking wine coolers, except she was higher than me. I told her that I was going to go pee and she said to go pee for her too, because she did not think she could make it to the toilet. So I said that I could do that, that it is possible. And of course she said that there was no way. And I said that there are ways. Anyway after some more talk, and several more wine coolers, I inserted catheters into both of us, and connected them together. (Actually they weren’t real catheters. They were soft plastic tubes that I had previously modified to do work like catheters)
When I released the clamp, which was keeping our pees apart, nothing seemed to happen at first. Then my G/F began moaning that she needed to pee badly. So I told her to go pee; that I was here for her. Also my own bladder did not seem as full as earlier. A short while later she said that it felt like she was going to burst. So again I told her to go and pee.
At the time I did not realize what was happening because of her attitude. She likes holding her pee also, but instead of keeping quiet about it she likes complaining about how full she is and how badly she needs to go. Except she doesn’t go, she keeps holding it, and complaining. So I thought she was just doing her thing.
But then she said that she can’t seem to pee and that the tube must be blocked or something. In contrast I felt the opposite, no longer full, almost as if I had peed. That was when I realized what was happening. Instead of her peeing into me, as I expected, my bladder was squeezing pee into her even though I was not pushing it out. Apparently the pressure in my bladder was greater than hers even though I tried relaxing to take her pee. So I managed to get her to stand up while I lay on the floor and that reversed the flow. Soon each of us swapped feelings. She felt a sense of relief and I felt as if I were about to burst. I tried to take all of her so I could go to the toilet one time for both of us. But it didn’t happen. My bladder would not expand and she could no longer pee, even though she was partly full. I guess it was a pressure problem again. So I clamped the tubes, disconnected them at the center, and went to the toilet to empty. I went standing like a guy with legs together using my tube as a penis. Then I came back, reconnected the catheters and took the rest of what she had. So I did pee for both of us. We were both fairly drunk at the time and have not done it since, nor have we even talked about it.
I will have to try your idea about running the tube up your body to tell how much pressure is inside. I can understand that as you become more full, the pressure gets stronger, and the water goes higher up the tube. Have you done that? But don’t even think about your other idea of squirting out the tube onto others. I feel embarrassed having anyone even know when I need to go, much less trying something like that.