Posted by Kalyn on January 29, 2000 at 00:27
Don't e-mail me asking for the address, and I won't put it on here. There I am a lurker, as I love to read the stories but as a female I should not post. It is their board, and I don't want to see it ruined by some of the asses that frequent this board. *Maybe one guy with many names?*
Males are sexy when wet, why else do you think we females are screaming for more stories on them?
There are a bunch of men posting as women, but in all reality... if it is a man posting a story about a woman wetting herself.... then it is a fantasy he is living out, and living it out through that of a woman. *shrug* I'm sure these stories are enjoyed quite a bit.
Those who think gay men post as women to get their kicks, .... well... Logic indicates no. Gay men have no interest in women period, and they have their own board to get to know each other on. The men who post as women are usually straight guys, as those stories are the fantasies of straight men. What gay man fantasizes about a woman doing anything? LOGIC I say, LOGIC.
How many gay men even care to envision a woman wetting herself? have any interest in women? etc. It is a straight man. Straight men would have their female character acting as the perfect woman *in their eyes*.
*Getting very frustrated in the cold winter northland*