Posted by Kalyn on January 28, 2000 at 23:14
In Reply to: Major Step In The WRONG Direction posted by wench100 on January 28, 2000 at 21:31
Who cares what some little prick thinks. The first men *coughboyscough* who yell out insults are usually the ones that are so greatly insecure of their own Manhood they must challenge everyone else ...
I am 100% female, my man is 100% MALE. He wets his pants for me and I find that extreamly SEXY. He gets a very good reward for doing that.
If he weren't secure in his manhood, he'd make a big scene about me even asking him to do it..... or worse yet.....he'd treat me as though I were crazy. Real men aren't afraid to express their true emotions or feelings. Real men aren't afraid that their actions may make them look less manly, because Real men know they are real men, and so do those around them.
The pricks who made fun of him, they are just insecure... maybe they were teased too often in the locker rooms at school?