Posted by Juan on January 28, 2000 at 11:53
In Reply to: Ap0k0lyps posted by wench100 on January 28, 2000 at 08:08
Thanks Wench100 and the others who wrote. Where did that "wet means wimpy" idea originate anyway? Some old social stigma no doubt, wetting one's pants indicates weakness or fear maybe? real men never show fear or weakness? Heck, I dunno. Professional soldiers and sailors are not noted for being particularly weak or cowardly either, and I can say I saw more wet pants while serving in the US Navy than any time before or since. On both sexes, but more guys since the navy at the time was mostly male. In that context a pair of wet pants was considered no big deal, happened all the time, sometimes a little kidding attached to it but that was all. Rumor also has it that certain of the outlaw bikers enjoy a good piss down the leg now and again, and they can hardly be considered wimps. Undoubtedly, there ARE some wimps who wet their pants, but one has nothing to do with the other.
Best Regards,