Re: Response to the democratic loyalists

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Posted by Joe on January 25, 2000 at 10:05

In Reply to: Response to the democratic loyalists posted by Chris Choo on January 24, 2000 at 20:40

Well, Chris... You know, the world is an ever changing sprawl of people, nations and societies. It is surely your right to write what you wrote. But this is the year 2000, and you should at least now and then spend some thoughts about what you are going to do, when in 10 or 20 or 30 years your governments breaks down and leaves nothing but a big mess behind. Because that's exactly what happened here in Germany 11 years ago - and now ask one of the former leaders of the GDR (as far as they are still alive): Nearly everyone of them admits that they were talking plain bullshit in their earlier years.
Fact is, Chris, that your governemnt is a monolith, not flexible. And fact is, that socialist societies don't get their economy running, which is the reason they will be overthrown as time goes by. Unless they walk the path China is walking right now - but in the long run that just means a different form of erosion. Fact is that there's a process of rotting and decay going on each time a certain government is in charge for too long a time. That's even happening here in the western societies - how much stronger must it be in yours, where there's no kind of control whatsoever. You know, Kitten is right with her bitter mockery about the way your government let starve to death so many people during the last years. That couldn't ever happen in the States or in Germany or in Australia, and it's evidence how far the rotting process already proceded in North Korea. We don't need to talk about the fact that democracy has it's flaws as well - but if you want to tell us that your way works better, well, then please don't be mad at us when we think that you're a bit crazy...



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