Chris Choo's Post

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Posted by John Lee on January 23, 2000 at 19:47

Chris Choo, I have read your post on your point of view of governments. Let me tell you that I am also a communist like you but I think you are mistaken on some things you said. In your post you were talking about freedom as the core for a democratic society and some phrases you said about communism being against freedom. Communism is not against freedom and does provide freedom. I am from China and know communism does provide freedom. Have you heard of "autonomous regions" before? China has autonomous regions. That is a form of freedom. A self-governing region. If communism was against freedom China wouldn't accept a status of "autonomy" for some regions within China. Autonomy is meant as self-directing freedom or moral independence. But that doesn't mean we love freedom. Freedom is a word or act that communism finds not needed in a country. Freedom is not needed to run a successful country. Communism doesn't need freedom but does provide some form of freedom when needed. I just wanted to clear that up. What I do agree on is that the internet is a world filled with violence, hatred, negative sources, discrimination, illegal sources, and pornography which kids come across while surfing the web. Kids coming across pornography is the reason why there are 10, 11, 12 and so on girls getting pregnant. That is a real bad scene and undermines today's society. I agree with you that western societies are doing literally nothing when it comes to the internet. If this goes on I wouldn't want to live 20 years from now. Communism is not against freedom but is against sources that may continue to worsen societies. I just wanted to correct you with some phrases you mentioned in your post.

Workers of the world, unite!
You have nothing to lose but your chains.
Karl Marx Thought
Communist Red Hand Society
CRHS: China


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