Posted by ppPanties on January 19, 2000 at 20:09
Hi. I promise not to make a habit of this and get back to pee adventures. But this has been on my mind.
This might be more for those of us who post on a fairly regular basis.
Have you ever wondered if someone you know might also be posting on this board.. and might think they know you by something you've said in one (or several) of your posts?
I have wondered that often. I know I've given away a number of things about myself.. mostly work related. I work in a large building for a fairly large corporation... that houses two large main businesses' corporate headquarters, and several other smaller ones. Originally it was built for, and housed the Corporate headquarters of one well-known large company. One portion of that company's business split into another company, and I work for that company. I've mentioned the distance I drive from home to work and vica versa, about the parking garage, and the entrance to the garage, the elevators between the rest rooms, and the location of the door to the garage; about the vendors who 'park' in the corridor outside the store. I've mentioned trips to Boston, and a daughter who lives in Boston. Above I just mentioned the businesses in the building, the fact they some are corporate headquarters and the spin off of my company from the larger... all hints, and probably many others I haven't mentioned here that someone could at some point, put together.
I'm waiting for that one reply to one of my posts that says.. "Hey, I think I might know you!"
Yikes! Now how would I handle that? Would I be curious? Would I panic? Would I ignore the comment altogether? Would I adamantly deny it, and hope the person wouldn't pursue it further? Or would I pursue the possibility of knowing this person and eventually fess up? Then... would there be a level of embarrassment or discomfort when face-to-face, or even in near proximity of this person once we have this knowledge of each other? And.. here's the biggy.. Would he/she keep my secret?
I'm not even thinking of the possibility of finding a pee partner, as that's not necessarly something one could assume in this situation. But I certainly wouldn't mind knowing someone in 'real life' who can relate and with whom I could even have a passing conversion about it with. I almost think I'd like it to happen.. just not sure what I'd do. But I guess I'd know when and if the time ever comes.
Has anyone actually had this happen? And if so, how did you handle it? I really don't think the possibility is all that remote. If you haven't had it happen, had it ever occurred to you that it could, and how you'd handle it?
Okay.. enough of this serious stuff... I have to pee!