Totally agree

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Posted by Lloyd on January 18, 2000 at 23:15

In Reply to: You bet they are! posted by CJ on January 18, 2000 at 15:26

I totally agree with you. It seems strange to me that people even ask this question, but I guess that just illustrates the extent to which people HAVE lost touch with this. We are educated and trained to NOT smell, NOT pee anywhere but in the toilet, etc, etc, which all stops any tendency we might have to develop this sense, which is (I have to disagree with you here) after all just an application of smell, as it's about airborne chemicals.

I love the smell of women, and I know that it's to do with their pheromones, not really anything romantic. It's just natural, and it's even better when the woman is wearing pants she's worn all day, leaking a little in them every so often.... Mmmmmm.

Yep, it's pheromones, alright!



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