Posted by JohN on January 16, 2000 at 16:11
I hope I am speaking for most of the people on this board, in saying YOU ARE VERY MUCH WELCOME HERE.
"I" like to see other languages posted here, as it reminds me that our subject does'nt just happen in England or America, its world wide.
Maybe we will attract more foreign people here, that CAN post in English, and they will tell their stories...I look forward to hearing "how it happens" in other countries, just that what you want, English speaking people ONLY?
I don't know what anyone else thinks, but would'nt it be great to hear a story from someone in Japan, or India?
or are they the type of people we are frightening off?
Hope not!
(I don't see too many Japanise people here at the moment..)(correct me if Im wrong!)
PS/ Really pissed off! If you can't read it "CLICK YOUR 'GO BACK' BUTTON......instead what do some people here do? Make a anti-worldwide post and piss everyone off.