Me again, just a update and chat ! (no stories)

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Posted by Dice on January 15, 2000 at 17:45

Hi all. For some reason I found some problems with my new domain name (it is just a domain name and not domain hosted) as it has been locking out, so if you get a problem just go the old route for getting there (all details at bottom). Now what I am hoping to do is produce the best free female clothing peeing site on the net, but I may need some help on the way, as to which some are already doing for me (who I thank tremendously). What I really need though is exclusive pics, I have some but more is obviously better, as I have mentioned before me giving money is hard to do but I am always offering to give videos full of peeing/voyeur footage on as a trade. So if anyone has real exclusive pics that I can watermark as mine (Dice Worlds) (with a credit to the sender of course) then let me know. Also that video with all the panty peeing scenes from mainstream movies has been sent off and all I have to wait for now is the come back from that person (who is helping me greatly). So before long you should see most of them up on my site, for free, and downloadable. I am going to do a big update so if anyone knows new sites to add to my links (free or pay) then let me know :-)

Thanks everyone,


(sorry for any bad spelling, in a rush)

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