Re: Coming Clean (another perspective)

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Posted by wet nurse on January 15, 2000 at 14:41

In Reply to: Coming Clean (admitting to your friends) posted by A Silent Regula on January 15, 2000 at 09:59

While surfing, I stumbled upon this BB. I have read many of the
posts, but not all. I have been silent as I am not sure I have
the right to comment, but most have shown a high tolerance so I
will try.

"Just keep it in perspective." This can have many
interpretations. One way I have of keeping it in perspective is
this: You do not see any cars running around town with "Domino's
octopus" signs. There are not enough octopus eaters to support a
delivery establishment. Octopus eaters are in the minority. Is
there anything wrong with eating octopus? No. Should you be
ashamed of eating octopus? Definitely not. Is eating octopus
abnormal? Only if you consider abnormal as deviant from the
majority. Would you tell your fiends? Not if you know the fiends
reaction would be, "yuck, how can anybody eat octopus, they'd
have to be crazy." Your boss? "Anybody that eats octopus has no
business working here."

Now, let's suppose you neither like nor dislike octopus, you
would rather have pizza. But eating octopus results in sexual
arousal. The only time you eat octopus is in the bedroom. Would
you tell your fiends. I would not. What goes on in the bedroom is
private, to be shared only with your sex partner. The only time
any one else should be told is when the sex partner has passed on
and you know the audience would understand and be appreciative. I
have such a story. Any one interested in a story?


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