Posted by Hey, cable ass on January 12, 2000 at 21:53
In Reply to: Well, Excuse Me! posted by wench100 on January 12, 2000 at 20:38
Great,it's given to us...that's not MY point.Like I said we APPRECIATE it,but just because the vids are posted here does that mean we are suppose to all run out and buy this cable modem just so we can view them faster,I DON'T THINK point is if your going to post something here,why do it to where only a handful of people have the right equipment to view it in the first place.That's why everyone is posting their comments about the amount of time it takes,if you call that bitching/ungrateful then so be it.HATS OFF TO THOSE WHO HAVE THIS CABLE MODEM....because apparently alot of us don't have it,and if you think so little of the rest of us(ungrateful people) who are having problems viewing the vids and writing in about it,then you don't have to worry about giving your site link out to me,because you are the UNGRATEFUL one and I would'nt visit it anyhow just by the way you write about us so disrespectful.SO TAKE THAT QUEENY.