Anyone else have this problem?

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Posted by PeeMyPants on January 10, 2000 at 13:58

Hello everyone!

A few months ago, after reading these boards, I noticed that desperation seems to be something that is enjoyed by many people. Since I have always been into wetting my pants for relaxation, and sexual relief, desperation never occured to me. I would always just sit here in my chair in a pair of jeans, and just wet them whenever I felt like it, regardless of any bladder feelings that I might have had.

My question is this: One time, I decided to drink as much water as possible, and hold on as long as I could, to see what it would be like to have an accident, since I had never experienced one in any situation. I drank tons of water, and sat here. Instead of feeling really desperate, my kidneys started to hurt. A lot. I started to feel slightly desperate, with the swollen bladder and all, but instead of losing control, I just decided to wet my pants to make my kidneys feel better, since it hurt so bad. My very thick jeans were so wet, I don't think that there was a dry patch on them, and I still must have wet my pants for another 2 minutes, and still had more left!

Has anyone else experienced this, or do you just experience the desperation, and then wet your pants.

Thank you much!



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