Posted by SKy Mouse on January 09, 2000 at 09:13
In Reply to: I feel awful. posted by sad on January 08, 2000 at 01:13
You feel good because it is enjoyable; and you feel bad because you think society disaproves.
Being "Normal" is not a scientific concept: it's a political one. Someone calls someone else "Normal" or "not normal" according to whether the person fits in with his expectations. If there is an expectation that adult humans do not have a rich variety of personalities and sexual inclinations, then this expectation is wrong, and you should not feel bad because of other people's ignorance about how humans vary!
As for control - this, too, is a matter of other people's ignorance. There's nothing noble about stifling something you enjoy, merely to prove self control. We could all be like Simon Stylites and go and live up a pole - but what would be the good of denying yourself an enjoyment merely to prove credentials of self-control and of similarity to the ignorant?