Posted by GottaCP2 on January 08, 2000 at 21:43
I hope this does not upset anyone at WetSet...I kid you not,this is 100% true.Earlier today I'm on E-bay(the auction place)looking thru video stuff,and I come across this video discription saying "over 70 watersports scenes".Now you know damn good and well this caught my attention immediatly,so I'm saying to myself(surely not??) as I am clicking on the listing to see just what this could be about.And sure as shit(or should I say piss)to my amazement it's exactly what I thought it would'nt be.It seems to be a amatuer video but in the discription it states "no this video is not about swimming,skiing,boating has girls pissing on guys,guys pissing on girls,piss drinking,pissing in about everyplace that you can piss,this video should meet your every need"..I just about fell over laughing so hard when I saw this,for any of you that want to check this out go to then click on "search" icon and scroll down to where it says item by number,then key in item# 231059971---I think the last bid was about $14.00 or so..I just thought everone would get a kick out of this.