Re: I feel awful.

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Posted by Lionheart on January 08, 2000 at 21:09

In Reply to: I feel awful. posted by sad on January 08, 2000 at 01:13

It's probably safe to say we all either feel or have felt a little guilty after our little wet indulgences. In high school, I became secretly worried about myself when I realized that I was different, and that references to pants wetting for pleasure just didn't seem to exist. I found myself hoping that I'd "grow out of it". Of course, that just never happens, it seems.

Realize that you're not alone, and that many more people enjoy this, even though they don't let on to the outside world, for fear of ridicule from friends and co-workers. Also realize that there's no harm in enjoying it, when you think about it. It hurts no one, doesn't cost a lot of money, and is simple to clean up. It doesn't make you any less of a soul in God's eyes, as far as I can determine, and yes, I've worried about that one as well. Wetting your pants as a turn-on isn't any different than a fetish for high heels, long hair, tickling, tight jeans, leather, or any other harmless fetish.

This may help: BEFORE you engage in a good wetting, do whatever little chores or tasks it might be to help you feel that you've made some productive use of your time. Then, as you indulge in a good self-soaking, consider it a well-deserved reward for whatever it was you accomplished. A delayed gratification, if you will.

Take care, I hope to address you as Happy!



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