Posted by Juan on January 07, 2000 at 10:16
I'm currently making plans to attend the Burning Man festival this year. Naturally I plan to wet my pants there. And I had an idea - wouldn't it be great if a lot of us Wet Set types showed up there at the same time. I know, others have tried to arrange some kind of wet convention from time to time, usually with limited success, but I don't think it's been tried at a pre-planned event like this. And Burning Man is big - 15-20000 people usually attend.
For those unfamiliar with the event, Burning Man is an annual week-long free-spirit festival and campout held each August in the Black Rock desert of Nevada. The atmosphere is anything-goes and there is very little commercialism attached to it. It is billed as "an experiment in radical self-expression" and attracts folks of all types - new agers from the Southwest, Silicon valley yuppies, Bay area radicals, aging Rainbow Family types, Nevada cowboys, feminists from all over, and a lot of more-or-less normal people from the US and abroad. To give some idea of just how free and easy it is, here are a few of the advertised attractions from the Burning Man web site
1. "This is the desert. You drink water by the gallon and piss clear" (from "what is burning man")
2. Bianca's Smut Shack
3. Spanky's Fantasy Island - ("fantasy fulfillment for barter and trade")
4. Acme Squirt Shack - ("a misty moist moment")
(I like that one :-))
5. Penis Painting Salon (??????)
Here's my idea - Imagine a dozen or a hundred wet setters congregating with 20,000 or so others at this grand free-for-all campout in the desert with the only amenities a row of porta-potties on the distant horizon. Pissing freely, meeting old friends, making new ones. Make it a pee-in. Perhaps if there's enough interest we could convince Wet Set or Patches Place to maintain a sign-up sheet or even send one of the wet celebrities - Jackie or Eileena or one of the Angels. And we'd probably want to extend an invitation to our diapered cousins. If enough people are interested, I'd volunteer to maintain a mailing list for attendees.
So how about it, folks? Check out the Burning Man Web Site and see what you think. It's not too early to start planning, advance ticket sales start in the Spring. It could turn into a great event!
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