Re: Not worth the time.

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Posted by GGL on January 06, 2000 at 16:26

In Reply to: Not worth the time. posted by nonick22 on January 05, 2000 at 11:48

Nonick92, the site is worth the time insofar as whoever has taken the time to set it up has also tried to make it worthwhile in terms of the time needed to do so. Personally, I wish I had as much electronic talent as DANSLACULOTTE. I don't, however, so I settle for accepting what more able prople are prepared to provide for me, as, I suspect, do you.

Granted, the site isn't in English; it's in French which you clearly can't understand, but which gives me no problems. I appreciate that not everyone (especially in the USA) can speak a language other than their own, but you seem to have extraordinary trouble in writing your own language (American English.) For instance (leaving aside your apparent inability to begin subsequent sentences in the upper case,) what does 'in the begging' mean? Do you mean 'in the beginning?' 'Follow there links,' do you mean 'follow their links?' 'What it sais;' do you mean 'what it says?' I could go on but it'd take up a great deal of space. D'you take my point, Nonick92? Probably not.


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