Posted by urgoobi on January 04, 2000 at 10:42
In Reply to: Re: Millennium Clarification posted by wetleviwatcher on January 04, 2000 at 05:42
Don't rack your brain too hard. It is quite simple. To use your being born example, when you 'complete' your first year you are one year old. When you 'complete' your 10'th year you are ten years old. And to jump ahead, when you 'complete' your 1,000'th year you are? Extend that to 2,000. Bottom line is Jan 1, 2001 starts the next century. The year 2000 is a millenium year, not quite yet the 'new' millenium. So we are still in the 20'th century.
And for those who say the 'first' year started Jan 1, 0000 - el wrongo - the concept of, and math creation of zero(nothing) did not enter the picture until several centuries later.
This whole scenerio of celibrating a year ahead was a marketing ploy for business and propagated by the media. In a few months you will be reading more often about the next century being Jan 1, 2001. That will be marketing getting the media to create another sales windfall. Ain't being in business just great?