Posted by Kitten on January 03, 2000 at 23:32
Here it is almost midnight on the West Coast and I popped into Wetset and was amazed that no one had posted the details of the Howard Stern show that aired this a.m. Howard and the gang were discussing various NYE celebrations, and Howard started talking about how ridiculous it was for anyone to go to Times Square -- that it was only white trash who were there -- no minorities, etc. Then he started talking about how long people were standing out there. He said "Do you know how they went to the bathroom? A lot of them wore adult diapers! They were pissing their pants right there!" Then Robin said that they would have to get to a bathroom to change the diaper, and then they brought in someone to the studio who had stood in Times Square for 13 hours. The first question he asked her was "How did you go to the bathroom?" and she said that she didn't -- she had paced herself and only drank two sodas and never had to go. Then upon being further questioned by Howard, she said there were people "going to the bathroom" and "having accidents" all around her.
Howard then made some more comments about people being so anxious to watch the ball drop that they would stand there and piss their pants. It was interesting -- I wonder if he had read the comments here on Wetset before this morning's show. hmmmm