Posted by ipee4me on June 12, 2001 at 00:54
In Reply to: Your First Deliberate Wetting? posted by gallopingpollster on June 11, 2001 at 15:44
1) 17
2) Walking home with my boyfriend. We stopped to kiss and pet. It was winter we were soooo very cold. I had to pee, and had my hand in jammed in my crotch holding my pee hole shot. My boyfriend then decided to start petting my crotch and felt my hand there. He knew of course that I had to pee, and decided he would help. We continued kissing, then I lost control a bit, and a quick squirt of pee hit panties, and his hand. He laughed at how warm it felt on his freezing hands. I said well then feel this, and continued to pee my jeans completely while his hands were in my crotch.
3)Because I had to pee, and it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
4)The same thing I enjoy to this day when I pee after holding it for so long. You sort of get an orgasmic feeling, your body gets goose bumps, and quivers. It is wonderful.
5) I peed previous to that. Having sex with the same boyfriend, I had to pee, I seemed to always have to pee. Anyway we were under the stars on a blanket and he noticed tears in my eyes and asked what was wrong. I told him I had to pee so bad it hurt. He said, well let me move the blanket, and you can just let it go. He quickly moved the blanket, and I peed a river onto the ground while we were having sex. He seemed to enjoy that. And encouraged me to just let it go other times while we were having sex too.
I do not miss that boyfriend. But I sure miss the wet fun we had, and all the requests for wetting.