little story..

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Posted by Tracid on May 25, 2002 at 06:54

last friday we wrote a 2-hour test in school, and I finished it early. So I went out of class and sat down on the big couch that stands in the hallway right across the girlīs room. As soon as the bell rang, Marlene, a girl from my class burst out, but two girl from other classes beat her into the stalls. When she past me, sha had one hand firmly in her croth, the other on her bladder and said: "Oh, I had to pee since an hour ago, my bladder hurts so bad! I really need to go!" She continued into the loo, and when she found the stalls occupied, she knocked on the doors and said "Come on, I really need to go!"
She started to dance around and when one stall opened, she burst in and peed so forcefully that even I could hear it. Another girl went into the other stall, just as Margarita, another of my classmates ran by and into the toilet.
She tried both doors, then sighed loudly and bent over while jamming her hands in her crotch. When the loo flushed, she bounced up and down until she rushed into the loo, letting loose an immense stream into the bowl.

Hope you enjoyed, Tracid


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