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Posted by trekie on June 10, 2001 at 09:59

Celebrity Arm Wrestling newsletter 5

Ok, I've got some good news and some bad news:

The bad news: This time only 3 people (and we got 30 subscribers) voted.
The good news: After this tournament is over, I'll be turning this into a
mailing list, probably unmoderated.

Please see the list of matches to vote and write description for at the
end of this letter.

And: I'll provide the most interesting match descriptions, not only one,
like last time. Let's get right to the matches:

The Half finals of group A:

Salt defeats Gwen Stefani
Pam Anderson is defeated by Courtney Cox
Salt vs Gwen Stefani
Gwen's professional confidence proves little help against Salt's
street ethics. Salt overpowers Gwen with arms and eyes. Gwen fights
back, Salt shakes, but finally finishes Stefani when the woman
can't go the distance.
Salt vs. Gwen Stefani

For the musical championship I guess. Salt is definitely toned and cut,
but she would have been no match for Renee O'connor. the ballot boxes
must have been stuffed. This time, Salt has a definite advantage, tone
wise against Gwen. Gwen's arms are pretty big, but not real cut, so Salt
will move on with a win.


Courtney Cox vs. Pamela Anderson

I was disappointed that Pamela beat Jenny because I felt that the latter was
the class of this part of the draw. The athletic Pamela figures to win but
Courtney has slowly been building some muscle. Pamela is worn out by her
match with Jenny and Courtney pulls a surprising upset.

Pamela Anderson vs Courtney Co


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