Re: Couldn't Pee

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Posted by dr.frodo on June 08, 2001 at 13:07

In Reply to: Couldn't Pee posted by brenda on June 08, 2001 at 08:18

The doctor is in.

Not being able to pee when you have to go so bad it hurts can be scary and potentially embarrassing. Although not terribly common, it's possible to hold on so long that you are unable to let go and may need to be catheterized, not a pleasant prospect for a young male. This is a phenomenon sometimes seen in casinos, where a person is unwilling to leave the slot machine to use the rest room and ends up in the hospital emergency room. Apparently the warm shower relaxed your BF enough to avoid needing medical attention.

He seems to be turned on by your desperation, so there's no reason why you can't continue that part of w/s. But don't make it competitive - don't challenge him to become desperate too, at least not for a while. As David pointed out, the erection was probably part of his difficulty, and even after it softened, panic may have done the rest. Once he becomes more comfortable with wet sex, he'll eventually become a full-bladdered participant without feeling he must compete. (Men hate to lose contests like this. They can feel it reflects on their masculinity.)

Good luck to you both.

Now the doctor is out. It's lovely golfing weather...


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