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Posted by virginian on June 06, 2001 at 08:26

First a brief introduction and then my comment. I am a 48 year old married male. I practiced my fetish(not knowing that that was it was)in shame and frustration for over twenty years. In a moment sheer trust, I told my wife about it. Our sexual relationship included talk and acts which led me to believe that, at worst, she wouldn't be shocked and disgusted. She wasn't, although I would have to say the ultimate outcome of my having told would be mixed. I was introduced to the internet a few years ago and I must say it was a watershed moment for me. For the first time in my adult life I realized, "there are others like me!"
I've been lurking at this board for several months and I want to say it is the most interesting message board, with the maturist contributers of the ones I've seen on the net.
Sure there are exceptions but for the most part I detect much authenticity to the postings. My understanding of this fetish and my feelings about myself have developed trmendously, thanks in part to some of you.

a virginian


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