A couple of high school cheerleading stories

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Posted by The Silent Reader on January 27, 1999 at 23:13

Here are a couple of true second hand stories I heard when I was in high school that I think Tinker would enjoy especially (sort of like the real Dream Team). The guys who was asking about high school accidents might also be fascinated.

Anyway, I like to write (can't you tell?) so I took Journalism in high school. It was a fun class in and of itself, but one of the best parts was that half the cheerleading squad had taken the class as an easy credit! Now I never really associated with the cheerleaders. Most of them were pretty, but too snobby to be of much interest to me, that is until I heard the stories they would tell amoungst themselves in class!

Apparently, about half the squad had a serious problem with bladder control--especially when they started laughing. Although no one ever had an accident in class (disappointingly, there weren't even many close calls), I eventually started talking to them enough to hear some of the stories. Here are the better ones:

1) Every summer area colleges host cheerleading camps on local campuses. The girls are supposed to work on routines, etc., but of course it turns into a gossip session. Well, one night, five of our cheerleaders were sitting on a bed talking in the middle of the night. Apparently what they were saying was really funny, because they all started to laugh hysterically. Well, one girl in particular, (5'8", brown hair, blue eyes, great build) has more trouble then the rest with bladder control. She looses it and pees in her pants, leaving a small puddle on the bed. The other girls, already giggly, break into complete hysterics at the sight of the first girl's accident and two of them (both blonde, with blue eyes, and slender builds) proceed to wet their pants! Now this is were not knowing the girls well really hurts my account because I couldn't ask TOO MANY probing questions. I'm not sure if the other two girls had accidents, but the first girl to wet her pants claimed that the five of them peed so much that they had to get a new mattress and mop up the mess. She claims she still has a picture of her smelling the mop after they were done. Now I know it's a little sketchy, but if you picture five pretty, high school girls dressed either in nightclothes or regular outfits all laughing so hard they wet themselves--that's I reality better than any fanatsy I could imagine!

2) Another incident involving the brunette and one of the blondes from above occurred at cheerleading practice. Apparently, the two girls were horsing around, giving eachother piggy back rides. Well, the blonde, who was carrying the brunette at the time, fell. They found this hysterically funny and both the blonde and brunnette wet their cheerleading uniforms in front of the whole team. To make matters worse, they had been doing this on the field that the football players were about to practice on! So, to save face in front of the football team, both girls ran and hid, but, in the brunnette's words, "we left the football team to practice on the newly watered field." (She said it, I didn't!)

There were tons more stories, but these were the two highlights of the bunch--both because they had the best content and because they were told to me multiple times, so I was able to gather a little more detail. One of our assignments was to write a newspaper about yourself and the brunette actually devoted an entire page to her "embarrasing wet mistakes." Man! I loved peer-editing that page! I wish I could have asked for a copy!

Anyway, that's it for now, hope you enjoyed these. Let me know what ya thought.
Silent Reader out


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