Adult Chartoon with constant w/s themes

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Posted by Kalyn on January 27, 1999 at 00:00

Have you guys ever watched DuckMan?
It's a classic!

I'll tell you just three of the scenes that are most memorial.

ONE.. They (Duckman and Cornfed) - are at this big party where they are hired to locate the dimond and apprehend the thief. There is an ancient old curse on the diamond, and Duckman belives they are being chased by ghosts and demons. He stands waist high. In this scene he is scarred out of his mind and clamps onto the leg of a tall man, he literally is hanging off his leg with arms and feet wrapped around shaking in terror. Duckman never wears cloths and .....

Duckman - "I'm so scarred I'm wetting my pants."

Cornfed - "What pants, you don't wear any." and he looks at Duckmans strapped onto that guys leg... "eeeeeee."

TWO - Duckman is scarred out of his life and leaves a large visible puddle below him.

THREE - Duckman has two little bears that cater to his needs at the detective agency who he kills every episode. In one episode he chews them up and swallows them hole.

Duckman - "After going through my digestive system you won't ever want to go back."

The toilet is seen quite a bit in this movie, as these two bears have to travel the system to come back out and piece themselves back together.

Four - Desperation.

Duckman has a two headed son(s) and one of them controls the feet, the other controls the bladder. They are on their way to the washroom when they get sidetraked and the bladder kid whines and complains to go back to the washroom, while his other half refuses. They do this three times and you see him becoming more and more desperate. Then the one gets excited and begins jumping around and the poor desperate guys clutches his stomach (as close to organs as TV allows) and moans..


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