Posted by Matrix on January 23, 1999 at 05:53
In Reply to: Medical term for desperation fetish? posted by Dan on January 22, 1999 at 13:03
Oh what fun. Latin lessons in wetset.
Have no idea if there is a term. There is an essay at patches place that goes into the actual interest and the driving force behind it. It may mention a term there. The article suggest that the desperation fetish is more closely related to a domination fetish than a watersports of urine fetish, such as golden showers etc. The sense of pleasure either comes from the non-desperate party getting sexually aroused by the other parties "weakened" state.
I didn't exactly agree with the essay. I myself am a desperation fan and felt a little uncomfortable with the conclusions drawn. I suppose there is an interest in the venerability of a person in that state but I don't think that is the full extent of the interest.
I think you will find the desperation fetish is more widespread than you think. Even non watersports guys will often feel an overpowering need to help a vulnerable girl desperate for a pee. It's not a huge step from this to a person receiving sexual pleasure from the experience. However, In our case I think the difference is we seek this pleasure, where others may only happen to experience it in passing.
Well, sorry no Latin lectures but look up that article as I am sure it goes into some detail about the fetish
PS. I use the word "fetish" cautiously after previous posts on this board generated a lot of discussion on the definition of this word and I would hate to be the cause of another definition war :)