Posted by ppPanties on January 09, 1999 at 15:46
Before continuing with “A Day in the Life of.....”, I thought I’d tell you all about a real life incident... a milestone of sorts. After my semi-public ‘accident’ in my own backyard, I was even more turned onto the idea of wetting myself in public, but still not brave enough to be peeing my jeans and making a puddle before the eyes of a crowd.. but I came close. I had had a few cokes and already had to pee when I was getting dressed to go shopping. I had some very important purchases to make.. a few packages of panties, of various colors most suitable for showing that wet spot; wipes for on-the-spot/quick clean ups (whether away or at home); garbage bags, a few bottles of laundry detergent on that were on sale, and garbage bags. Crucial items for those of us prone to and getting much pleasure from... ‘accidents’.
I was already squirming and having to squeeze my legs together before I was even dressed. I managed to complete that task, amazingly without incident. I proceeded to the car, with some difficulty, and headed for the store. It was already getting dark (the next step will hopefully be in broad daylight), and I parked the car in the parking lot, purposely some distance from the store, and under a lamp post. I stood outside the car for a moment, squeezing my legs and doing a little dance, until I maintained control. So far, so good. I knew I’d be spending considerable time in the store, so I didn’t want to lose control in the parking lot before I even got in there. It was a stop and go trek to the entrance, with a few unavoidable trickles into my panties.. not enough to come through my light blue jeans.
Now the fun really began. I stretched out the process of choosing the items, enjoying that desperate feeling of having to pee, stopping.. squeezing my legs together, and holding myself when I thought no one was looking. After sometime I really was afraid I wasn’t going to make it out of the store with out completely losing control and soaking my jeans. I’d stop, and squeeze and squirm.. feeling the occasional warm burst of pee wet through my clothes to my hand upon inspection. I don’t think the wet spot on my jeans was noticeable to any of the many shoppers and employees milling about the store, but it was there. My heart was racing about now, and I realized I had better get in line to pay for my purchases, or I wouldn’t make it. Luckily, there was only one customer in front of me. My bladder was about to burst, and I was fighting the urge to just relieve myself right there in line, but held it to just a few more nervous spurts. I looked around me and was sure people were looking at what was obviously a woman very close to having an accident. The excitement of this alone almost made me get brave and pee right there. But no.... guess I just wasn’t ready for that step.
With purchases and cart in hand, I made my way.. very long way.. towards my car. It was dark out, but the parking lot was well lit, and I no longer cared who saw what at this point. Although I still attempted to squeeze my legs together while walking, my efforts were of no avail. A long burst of pee began to soak my jeans and was running down both legs. Again, I regained control and made it to the car. As I opened the back door of the car to place my purchases inside.... the damn burst! Ahhhhh.... such relief! Smiling, I pressed my hand to the crotch of my soaking jeans and rubbed for a moment. Buy now it was quite evident to anyone nearby what had happened. A grown woman had just peed herself and made a puddle in the parking lot. There were no cars immediately nearby, but there were some in the next row. I noticed a few people getting into their cars... and some taking there time as they loaded purchases in the car. I’m sure I detected them looking my way. What a rush! I put plastic on the car seat, got in and unzipped my jeans and reached inside to touch myself through my wet panties. God I was so turned on! My bladder had been so full, I hadn’t even finished the job. While unlocking the door to my house, I stood there and emptied my bladder, making another puddle right there on the sidewalk. I put down my shopping bags and went into the bedroom to inspect my jeans. I could still feel pee trickling down my very wet jeans. I touched myself while I inspected the result of my first real, “sorta” public accident.
Hope you enjoyed it half as much as I did. Who knows... maybe next time I won’t make it out of the store.