Wet Mom 2

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Posted by Sandra on January 08, 1999 at 02:40

In my last post I told of my mom wetting in the car and mentioned an accident she had in the garage. This garage accident I didn't see the desperation leading to the wetting but just the accident.

My sister and I were home alone and Mom was at her friends house. She called and said she was staying for a while and would be back before midnight. Around 11 pm I heard the garage door open and went out to the garage. The car flew hit real close on the drivers door came to a quick stop and the door flew open hitting the garage wall.

Mom squeezed out obviously in a hurry and stressed. She left her door open, ran around the back of the car along the right side and suddenly stopped. Her hands the entire time were all over her crotch. When she stopped she was bent over and her slacks suddenly changed color going from a peach color to a wet dark stain. I watched the entire thing. I hit the button to close the garage door and shut her car door. When mom finished wetting she walked rather awkwardly to the house door and in one move reached to her waist and pulled off her wet slacks, wow you should have seen her wet pantys, they were grey hipsters soaked a little up the front and maybe 3 or 4 inches in the back.

She then said hi honey to me and I helped her in. Mom said to let her lay down on the family room couch for a while and to get her a towel. I got her a towel and some dry pantys as well. Guess she had a little to drink! When I came back she was out so I did get her wet pantys off and wrapped the towel over her and covered her with an afghan from the couch.

I went to bed and when I woke up Mom was up and the wash was started, she never said a thing to me. I had taken her pantys with me. If she would have checked she would have found grey hipsters under my night shirt with a pee dried crotch, well masturbated thru.


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