Posted by subdude on January 04, 1999 at 01:43
In Reply to: Re: Great story posted by Delurker on January 03, 1999 at 15:18
talking of accents and phrases the classic would have to be this one.
all you u.s.a. dudes refer to a girls arse[ass] as her fanny; in australia that is her pussy!
it always amuses me when i see prime time u.s.a. shows that are family orientated and poeple refer to 'falling on my fanny' etc. it cracks we aussies up somewhat.
another one is when you yanks say "i'll be rooting for ya"
in australia rooting is fucking so there had been
some classic sayings on some american shows where the meaning is totally turned around when we here it!heck i even heard the phrase on a brady bunch re run a while ago so it's good to know there was plenty of rooting going on in the brady bunch!