Posted by Delurker on January 03, 1999 at 15:50
In Reply to: Insecurity? posted by Molly on January 03, 1999 at 12:04
Hi Molly
Please don't feel bad that the response was not too plentiful.
Your account was indeed, great! In fact I read it a several times, enjoying it immensely each time. It influenced me so much that it brought to mind an incident I experienced a couple of years ago. Have a look a few lines down and you will see the tale entitled "Filling Station Siting".
Your descriptions of the feelings of desparation and final surrender are very good in their detail and they undoubtedly illicited all manner of positive responses!
I'm very much of a closet wetter (stupid place to wee isn't it - grin). Seriously, I am i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-y shy about the whole scene and thus don't do anything in public.
But...... I do indulge on my own, in private. I asked Father Christmas for a lass to share this with, but I guess my letter got lost in the mail hehehe. So I let my imagination go wild, and I conjure up all manner of fantastic situations.
Please keep up the good work. Don't stop posting - I, for one, love to read your accounts.