Posted by dejay on December 31, 1998 at 13:34
In Reply to: Re: Sightings report - the best one this year posted by Mundane on December 31, 1998 at 10:02
I will probably have my foot half way down my throat by the time I finish this reply but it seemed an appropriate place for a comment.
I kind of agree with you but I also agree with some of what Dodge wrote too. In his reply he pointed out that this board is not just for pants wetting but also for watersports. Since when does a woman squatting between dumpsters to relieve herself qualify as watersports? It certainly is not pants wetting or a public accident and I for one usually do not bother reading Kev's sightings. I did read this one however because of his title "best ever" and I thought it was great only because it was an accident before she got to her squat spot even though she had frantically pulled down her pants. The lifting of the skirt and pulling down the panties as she ran made it that much better I thought. Anyway I am not really interested in reading about a woman finding a place to squat and relieve herself so in that respect I agree with you that for those of us with like interests it would be helpful to see something in the title about pants wetting if there is any in the sightings post.
I know by the replies to Kev's sightings that there are plenty of people on this board that enjoy them and that is enough for me to accept them as a valid contribution to the board even if I personally don't care much for them and they don't fall under the heading of "watersports", "painty wetting", or "public accidents". I also recognize the fact that you are not protesting against these posts but only requesting title information. I don't think this is an unreasonable request and I doubt that Kev will either but as Dodge pointed out, pants wetting accidents are extremely rare so you probably wouldn't see your request honnored any time soon.
Personally, I consider myself a desperation / accident, and wet love lovemaking fan so there are a lot of posts on this board that don't do anything for me such as intentional pants wetting, pissing on or being pissed on as well as the kind of sightings we have just been talking about. I guess we all just have to pick and choose what we want to read here and ignore the rest. I hope I haven't offended anyone and have a happy new year.