Posted by dejay on December 18, 1998 at 20:14
In Reply to: Re: Email address??? posted by tennis girl on December 18, 1998 at 14:05
You're very welcome TG, and thank you for conferming my assessment, your comments were very kind. It should be clear to you by now that this is a sex fetish board where we share our personal experiences with each other for the purpose of intertaining our pee fetish so it is only natural for people here to ask you about your wetting because that is what we do here. We are not often visited by people with an incontinent problem and when we are they usually come off accusing us of mocking and making fun of them. You did not do that but rather seemed to enjoy participating in the threads so naturally we assumed you were into wetting for fun like the rest of us so when you refused to share with us it kind of caught some of us off guard and we did not understand why. You did kind of make your position known but only if one were to read all of your posts and then compile them together so to speak.
Please feel free to participate further in our playroom if you wish but realize that this problem may come up again so don't hold it against us for doing what we naturally do on this board, which is to drag everyones personal sex life out in the open for everyone to read. I'm not saying that you have to tell anything you don't want to, but just don't get angry or be suprised when someone asks. Sometimes the best way to answer something you are uncomfortable with is not to reply to it at all.
As you may know, I suggested to Tarzan that he open a Hotmail account. You could do the same which would not be identified with your computer in any way and only you would have access to it. Then you might want to talk on a more personal level with Tarzan who has much experience with your kind of problem with his ex wife. Your Hotmail account would be completely anonomous and untraceable to you and only you would have access to it. Of coarse it is entirely up to you what you do but you did indicate you would like to talk to someone without posting in a public forum and I think Tarzan would be an ideal person for you to talk to for reasons that only you will find out once you write him. So TG, that's my suggestion. I hope you wil continue to participate on this board and maybe get to know us a little better and we you.
Best wishes,