Posted by Lloyd on December 13, 1998 at 07:31
In Reply to: Re: Do women hold much more than 1500m of piss? posted by TORORO on December 13, 1998 at 05:39
I think that both sides of this issue are correct for different reasons. The general experience of most women and men who know them is that they are always having to go to the loo, and can never hold it once they have made that 'decision'. I say that word - 'decision' - because it's actually quite a psychological thing. Let a woman drink fluids for ages, in pleasant and comfortable surroundings, happily distracted by conversation and friends, and she will not even notice her bladder, but when she finally does, suddenly, in no time flat she has to pee. thereafter, she seems to have to go again and again, regardless of the fact that she held it for hours the first time. The point is that for women, and to a certain extent, men, too, it's the consciousness of a full or filling bladder that accelerates the urge.
Then there is the matter of bladder training. This is my pet dislike about the perceived difference between women's and men's abilities in this regard. Women are always complaining that they can't hold it anywhere near as long as men, but if you observe the way they train (or more correctly, fail to train) their bladders over the years, it's fairly clear where the problem arrises. I have known both women who couldn't hold it and women who could easily outlast me (a pretty impressive feat) and the significant difference is that the ones who can't hold it, more often than not just give in, not even trying to, sometimes because they are afraid they may wet their pants, but mainly because they can feel it and don't like the feeling. Women are always going to the loo - how can they train their bladders to hold it, if they never do actually hold it? By the way, in case there are any women reading this who think I'm being hostile, I'm not refering to cases of genuine pain - they are women who DO hold it, as opposed to those who don't and just let go, pants or not.
I've been around for a while now, and seen the behaviour of countless women in this regard, and pretty much all of them bear these observations out. The few women I know who can really hold it are proof that it can be done, and that their bladders are huge. I guess there could be some correlation between the size of their pelvis and bladder capacity, but I think this would only be tenuous. Certainly, when pregnant, women can't hold much because of the baby filling up the pelvis, but other than that, there should be no NORMAL reason for a woman not being able to hold it.
My advice to women is to try to hold their urine, and don't give in every time they feel their bladders filling. Do it at home when they can clean up if necessary and hot have the embarrassment of a public accident, and they will soon find they can hold it much longer... if they want to, that is!
Comments? C'mon, girls, I'm sure you have some choice words for my ideas. Let's hear them. I bear no malice - I'm just trying to help with a few observations...