Posted by Ulf on December 13, 1998 at 04:06
It seams to be a good time for desperation. Fortunately there were many stories especially true ones about desperation and public accidents posted in the last weeks. On top I had a marvellous sighting myself.
Once a year my athletic club holds an open day for young people who are interested in our club activities. The participants are divided in groups of 4-6 and were guided through all the facilities that our club has. They can try everything like tennis, power athletics, gymnastics, all kind of ball games and so on. The day took place last weakend and I was asked to play the guide for one group. There were mainly kids checking out our club so it was no surprise that I had 2 guys in their early teens, an old man of about 60, a couple of 40 and two girls a bit younger than me. The girls I knew by sight as they go to my school some grades behind myself. They all were dressed in different sports outfits. The girls wore tight leotards with opaque or lycra pantyhoses. Saying tight I mean especially for one girl very tight. You know that deep camel toe style. Offcourse I kept an eye on her. Sometimes she pulled the crotch of her leotard out of her clit if it cut in to deep. She then spread her legs slightly, bent her knees and eather picked the thin material or moved one finger under it. I got wonderful views of her crotch while she did exercises.
We went through several pieces of apparatus and games when I noticed that the two girls started to whisper regularly. A bit later I saw that Ann the dark one seemed a bit nervous while we played basket ball against another group. I didnīt think to much about it until we went to the bowling area. While one of the group bowled the others waited behind. One had to note down the score on a board. I asked Ann for it. After a few minutes I noticed that she stood there with her legs tightly crossed, sometimes doubling up or dropping a curtsey. By now I knew what was wrong with her and you guess it. She had to go and obviously was already in remarkable distress. A bit later she was wringing her hands at her side. When she had to bowl she did it very quickly. Then she started to celebrate first good throws later every throw. She used her cheering to move as she obviously had difficulties to stand still at the board. She jumped around as soon as someone finished his bowl. She even urged the others to bowl quicker.
After we finished the bowling we were going to the dump-bell room. On our way Annīs friend Jane asked me about a break. I told her that there was none planed and why she was asking. She wanted to reply like: Well you know my friend Ann she badly... But she was immediately interrupted by Ann. She jammed her elbow into Janes waist and hissed she better shut up. So we continued to the dump-bells. I gave some short instructions on how to use the muscle machines. I told the group to go through the course in pairs to help each other. I tried to mix the group so I offcourse ended up together with Ann. We started with an exercise for the abdominal muscles. While I demonstrated her how to do it she leaned against the wall lifted one leg up against the wall and shoved it wide over the other-first only her knee then she placed her left food over her right leg. She looked pretty tensed bitting her lip.
Then she had to lay on the bench with her feed slightly above her fixed under a bar. I explained her to lift her shoulders not the entire trunk. This position seemed to ease her pressure a little as she didnīt have any problem for the 5 minutes she worked. Besides I had a nice and very close view at her crotch. At the butterfly you have to push weights next to your ears together in front of you while you sit. Normally and thatīs how I showed it to Ann your legs are part for better balance. Ann did the exercise with legs double crossed. At the leg machine you sit and have to push the weight with your leg away from you. While I did it Ann stood next to me and she was now constantly shivering. When we changed place I asked her whether she was cold. She denied it. At all the exercises I had to reduce the weight to a minimum for her. I guess the work out didnīt help her too much. The next station was the chest pushing. You lay on a bench and push a dump-bell up above your head. I told her to keep hold off the bell with one hand to cover me. While I exercised I saw how she struggled to keep still. She moved her free hand at her waist und tugged the leotard and the tights up. They disappeared even deaper in her crotch. I pushed as long as I could and at the end her leotard almost completely was in her clit.
The last station was the hyperextension. You had to lay on your front mainly on your thighs fixed at your heel. Then you had to move your trunk up in horizontal position and keep it there for sometime. While I did it Ann started to become more restless. She stamped one foot then the other then both. A clear pre-fidgeting stadium. Whenever she felt unobserved she tugged at her waist furiously. The leotard totally disappered in her crotch. There was just a big wrinkle in which the tights stucked. On the machine she squirmed around desperately. Then she hold herself for the first time.
Then we went to the gymnastic section. This is the farest section from the main club building. Is a pretty long walk back. At the gym we had to wait a couple of minutes during which Ann now really fidgeted on the spot. It was the classical pee-pee-dance in the way a girl does it if she doesnīt want to do it to obvious. She tried to make these little steps so natural. I heard Jane talking to her. Oh my god Ann you ... why donīt you asked to go? It so embarrassing. I have to wait. Then it was our turn. One after the other went through the course of apparatus.
Jane and Ann are the last. While I help the others Ann now is jumping from foot to foot. Before she starts the course she again pulls her leotard out of her crotch. But after the first exercise the horizontal bar it is cutting into her crotch again. Now she has to work on the mat. Jane has just finished and Ann is the last. She looks at me anxiously. I see her crotch and there is definitely a little wet spot on the light blue material not more than a drop not even a squirt. Then I asked her what was wrong. She said nothing. The I asked her direcly whether she had to go and after some discussion she admitted her need. And after another minutes of arguing she told me that she couldnīt wait much longer. I told the rest of the group to continue the course and then watch the soccer games in the next hall.
I took Ann by the hand and we rushed through the first hall. She follows me with tiny steps. After we left the crowed of the first hall into the passage way to the next one I hear her sigh: I turn around and briefly see her hand in her crotch. I stop and asked her whether it is really urged. She says yes and I ask her why she didnīt say a word before. We discuss for a while her fidgeting around when she says: Can we please go now. I ave to go! We run through the next hall into the next passage. In the hall with a lot of people around she didnīt hold herself. But in the passage she immediately jams her hand into her crotch. I turn around again. She still holds herself and stutters that she canīt wait anymore. I tell her it is only a few more minutes but she says she canīt. With that she suddenly squats down right in front of me closes her eyes pulls the leotard to one side and then starts to pee. It last for maybe 1 or 2 minutes. Her ees are closed but she cries. She finishes without anybody passing. Then she stands up. I take her in my arm and tell her that it is no problem and could happen everybody.