Posted by Matrix on December 04, 1998 at 19:34
I've been fortunate to be involved in lots of desperation situations with girls and, as with everything else, they all differ depending on their upbringing, and physical nature. So there is no one answer to these questions but all the same I would love to hear different peoples view on them.(Mostly I would like to hear from the girls but I'm sure the girls would like to know as well)
1) When your really desperate is it easier to hold on while sitting or standing.
2) When you start to loose control, do you do it in little bits or in a sudden gush.
3) Can you tell, other than the wetness, when you have lost it (Some people don't actually realise they have started to wet if they have been waiting for a long time)
4) When do you get to the point that you have to hold youself(in public), never / just before loosing it / just after the first squirt.
5) Is there any situation that would make you need to go more often than normal. (One person once said she went every 10-15 mins when she had the flu)
6) If you are drinking, if you go too soon the first time does that mean you will go more often during the night. (Several girls have told me they hold on when they first start drinking, other wise once they start they can not stop)
Well, Hope there are some really good answers. Ones to make me ponder for the night :)