Re: Time to relate a few accounts...

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Posted by JohN on December 03, 1998 at 01:37

In Reply to: Time to relate a few accounts... posted by MostlyMel on December 03, 1998 at 00:30

Tell me more about the incident on the train!
I'd always like to see a girl wet herself while seated on a chair.
What was she wearing?

I remember a girl that was something like that.
I'll call her sara. (very near).
She was running up the stairs behind her friend (I'll call her emma).So here was sara, wanting to go to the toilet during a party, running up the stairs behind emma. Having had something to drink, her co-ordination was'nt perfect, and she touched emma's arse on the way up the stairs by accident.
Sara began laughing at this, and lost control and in her own words "emptied herself on emma's first floor landing". Appararently, she could'nt stop laughing even during the wetting.
I remember talking to her about this, and she admitted "I had to go home and change my jeans.......AND MY KNICKERS!" as if she was proud of it.
A few other times I would avoid toilets if I was driving and she wanted to go to the toilet.
When she laughed she would say "oooo...I'm going to wet myself" -She never did though, would love to see it though.
Don't see her anymore, wish I did though, because I fancied her at one stage. (prob would have been at the party and seen her accident if I had done something about it!)


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